full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Matt Walker: A walk through the stages of sleep

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So that's non-REM selep. But let's come on to REM sleep, which is the other main type of sleep. And it's during REM sleep when we principally have the most vivid, the most hallucinogenic tpyes of dreams. The brain wave atcitviy actually starts to speed up again. It's during REM sleep that we receive almost a form of emotional first aid. And it's also during REM sleep where we get a boost for creativity, that it stitches information together so that we wake up with soioutlns to previously difficult porlmbes that we were facing.

Open Cloze

So that's non-REM _____. But let's come on to REM sleep, which is the other main type of sleep. And it's during REM sleep when we principally have the most vivid, the most hallucinogenic _____ of dreams. The brain wave ________ actually starts to speed up again. It's during REM sleep that we receive almost a form of emotional first aid. And it's also during REM sleep where we get a boost for creativity, that it stitches information together so that we wake up with _________ to previously difficult ________ that we were facing.


  1. activity
  2. problems
  3. solutions
  4. types
  5. sleep

Original Text

So that's non-REM sleep. But let's come on to REM sleep, which is the other main type of sleep. And it's during REM sleep when we principally have the most vivid, the most hallucinogenic types of dreams. The brain wave activity actually starts to speed up again. It's during REM sleep that we receive almost a form of emotional first aid. And it's also during REM sleep where we get a boost for creativity, that it stitches information together so that we wake up with solutions to previously difficult problems that we were facing.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
rem sleep 6
eye movement 4
rapid eye 2
brain wave 2
wave activity 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
rapid eye movement 2
brain wave activity 2

Important Words

  1. activity
  2. aid
  3. boost
  4. brain
  5. creativity
  6. difficult
  7. dreams
  8. emotional
  9. facing
  10. form
  11. hallucinogenic
  12. information
  13. main
  14. previously
  15. principally
  16. problems
  17. receive
  18. rem
  19. sleep
  20. solutions
  21. speed
  22. starts
  23. stitches
  24. type
  25. types
  26. vivid
  27. wake
  28. wave